Publications: Invited and Review Papers

F.G. Bass, Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and Yu.A. Sinitsyn, ``Dynamics of Solitons under Random Perturbations'' Physics Reports, 157 (1988) 63-181.
* Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Dynamics of Solitons in Nearly Integrable Systems'', Reviews in Modern Physics, 61 (1989) 763-915.
S.A. Gredeskul and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Propagation and Scattering of Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Systems'', Physics Reports 216 (1992) 1-61.
Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Dark Solitons in Nonlinear Optics'', IEEE J. Quantum. Electron. 28 (1993) 250-265.
Yu.S. Kivshar and X. Yang, ``Dynamics of Dark Solitons'' (Invited), Special Issue of Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals 4 (1994) 1745-1758 (Ed. L. Lugiato).
Yu.S. Kivshar, K.H. Spatschek, S.K. Turitsyn, and M.L. Quiroga-Teixeiro, ``On the Robustness of Optical solitons in the presence of periodic amplification'' (Invited), Special Issue of Pure and Appl. Optics 4 (1995) 281-293 (Ed. C. Montes).
Yu.S. Kivshar and K.H. Spatschek, ``Nonlinear Dynamics and Solitons in the Presence of Rapidly Varying Perturbations'' (Invited), Special Issue of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 (1995) 2551-2569 (Ed. M. Lakshmanan).
* Yu.S. Kivshar and B. Luther-Davies, ``Optical Dark Solitons: Physics and Applications'', Physics Reports 298 (1998) No. 2/3, pp. 81-197.
* Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Bright and Dark Spatial Optical Solitons in Non-Kerr Media'' (Invited), Special Issue of Opt. Quantum Electron. 30 (1998) 571-614 (Eds. J.S. Aitchison and G.I. Stegeman).
O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar ``Nonlinear Dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova Model'', Physics Reports 306 (1998) No. 1/2, pp. 1-108.
Yu.S. Kivshar and D.E. Pelinovsky, ``Self-Focusing and Transverse Instabilities of Solitary Waves'', Physics Reports (1999) in press.
A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, S. Trillo, and W. Torruellas, ``Self-Focusing and Parametric Solitons in Optical Materials with Quadratic Nonlinearities'', in preparation for Reviews in Modern Physics.

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