Tomaras Theodore
Theodore Tomaras received his BSc in Physics from the Univ. of Athens in 1975 and his PhD in Physics in 1980 from Harvard University, USA. His academic genealogy tree is here.
After three years (1980-83) as a Research Associate with the group of Professor M. Gell-Mann at the California Institute of Technology, he moved to New York where he was Assistant Professor of Physics at Rockefeller University from 1983 until 1985, when he resigned in order to serve his military service (1985-87) and take the Associate Professorship in which he was elected at the University of Crete. During 1987-89 he was Visiting Professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. He came to the University of Crete as an Associate Professor (1989-95) and was elected Professor in 1995. He has served in various administrative positions of the University, among which as Chairman of the Department of Physics in the period 1995-99. He retired and was elected Emeritus Professor in 2020. He passed away in August 2021.
His research interests included the Phenomenology of Elementary Particles, Solitons in High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics, The Physics Beyond the Standard Model, String Theory Phenomenology, Classical and Quantum Gravity, and aspects of Inflation and de Sitter Cosmology.
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