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Applied Physics


The Section of Applied Physics includes faculty members Vasileios Apostolopoulos, Alexandros Georgakilas, Eleftherios Iliopoulos, and Liverios Lymperakis, teaching staff member Charalampos Katsidis, collaborating researchers and technicians, as well as research trainees/students from all academic levels. The Sector is affiliated with the Micro/Nano-Electronics Group, which operates a rare experimental research infrastructure on the first floor of the Physics Building, supported jointly by the University of Crete and the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH).

Εργαστήριο καθαρού χώρου για κατασκευή ημιαγωγικών διατάξεων και ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων
Clean room lab for fabrication of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.

"Applied Physics" explores the potential applications of fundamental scientific knowledge on physical phenomena, properties, and processes at the atomic, molecular, and condensed matter levels. The goal is to develop technologies and technological products. Over time, it has proven to be an especially influential research field, as it is directly tied to the shaping and evolution of cutting-edge technologies, with fundamental impacts on all areas of human activity, including production, communication, healthcare, energy, security and knowledge acquisition.

Clean room lab for Molecular Beam Epitaxy of semiconductor heterostructures-nanostructures.

Applied Physics forms a cornerstone of modern "Information and Communication Technology (ICT)" and the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is built on fields such as Nanotechnology, Quantum Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Biotechnology, as well as the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5th-generation wireless communication networks (5G).

The strategic focus of the Section of Applied Physics is the advancement of research in the areas of Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Quantum Technologies, and Bioelectronics-biomaterials. Current research spans a broad spectrum of activities, including fundamental physics research, the design and development of innovative materials and nanomaterials, and the study and development of semiconductor and photonic devices.