Colloquia 2010 - 2011
September 30 - Prof. D. Charalambidis, Univ. of Crete
Capturing motion at the atomic unit timescale [PDF]
October 7 - Prof. G. Tsironis, Univ. of Crete
Discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation dynamics in complex networks [PDF]
October 14 - Dr. D. Argyriou, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany
Probing Chirality in Multiferroic Manganite Perovskites [PDF]
October 21 - Dr. K. Makris, EPFL, Switzerland
Optical wave propagation in nonlinear periodic structures [PDF]
October 28 - Holiday
November 4 - No colloquium
November 10 (Wednesday) - Prof. B. Allen, Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany
Einstein@Home's search for new neutron stars and first discoveries [PDF]
November 18 - Dr. N. Lazarides, Univ. of Crete
Nonlinear excitations in discrete model metamaterials [PDF]
November 25 - Prof. J. Sapirstein, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA
What is the size of the proton? [PDF]
December 2 - Prof. P. Lambropoulos, Univ. of Crete
The X-ray laser has arrived: Now what? [PDF]
December 9 - Dr. I. Papaphilippou , CERN, Switzerland
Non-linear beam dynamics in particle accelarators: theory, numerical simulations and experiments [PDF]
December 16 - Dr. K. Misiakos, Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR Demokritos
Lab on a chip bioanalytical devices based on silicon optocouplers [PDF]
January 13 - Prof. W. Neu, Hochschule Emden/Leer, Germany
Lasers in Medicine and Optical Spectroscopy [PDF]
February 17 - No colloquium
February 24 - No colloquium
March 3 - Prof. D. Christodoulou, ETH, Switzerland
Honorary Professor Ceremony
March 10 - No colloquium
March 17 - Dr. N. Christakis, Univ. of Crete
On the Modelling of Complex Systems-Methodologies and Applications [PDF]
March 24 - Prof. J. Zaanen, Univ. Leiden, The Netherlands
String theory and the mysterious quantum matter of condensed matter physics [PDF]
March 31 - Prof. A. Strumia, Univ. of Piza, Italy
Dark Matter Interpretations of the Electron/Positron Excesses [PDF]
April 7 - Dr. A. Chantis, Brookhaven National Lab, USA
Importance of ab initio approach to fundamental and applied research:Semiconductor spintronics [PDF]
April 14 - Prof. M. Segev, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Anderson Localization of Light [PDF]
May 5 - Prof. M. Robnik, Univ. of Maribor, Slovenia
Quantum Chaos and Random Matrix Theories [PDF]
May 12 - Prof. A. Petkou, Univ. of Crete
What is Holography? [PDF]
May 18 - Dr. K. Dimopoulos, Lancaster Univ., UK - Special Colloquium
Where galaxies really come from [PDF]
May 19 - Dr. G. Matthiae, Univ. of Roma, Italy
Recent results on very high energy cosmic rays [PDF]
May 25 - Dr. Ch. Kokorelis, Institute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR Demokritos - Special Colloquium
Phenomenology of Intersecting Branes [PDF]
May 26 - Prof. Κ. Papagelis, Univ. of Patras
Physics and mechanics of single- and multi-layer layer graphenes [PDF]
June 2 - Prof. N. Toumbas, Univ. of Cyprus, Cyprus - Special Colloquium
Holography, Emergent Space and String Cosmology [PDF]
June 30 - Dr. C. Skordis, Univ. of Nottingham, UK - Special Colloquium
Cosmological puzzles: the Dark Sector and Theories of Gravity [PDF]
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