Seminars 2002 - 2003
September 27 Dr. E. Paspalakis, Materials Science Department, Univ. of Patras
Coherence and Control in Laser- Matter Interactions
October 03 Dr. L. Nikolopoulos, FORTH/IHDL
Ab initio studies of laser-ionization of atoms from the long wavelength up to VUV / XUV regime
October 10 Dr. Ioannis Kominis, Physics Department, Princeton University
Physics with Polarized Atoms : from Magnetometers to Nucleon Structure
October 17 Prof. Michael C. Kelley, Cornell University, USA, and University of Crete
The Spectacular Leonids Meteor Showers of 1998/1999: New Observations of Visible Long Duration Meteor Trails Using Lidars and Modern Cameras
October 24 Dr. S. Themelis, University of Cyprus
The Schroedinger equation with complex eigenvalues
November 07 Prof. V. Usov, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Cosmological gamma-ray bursts: from discovery to present status
November 14 Prof. L. M. Floria, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Collective ratchet transport in discrete Sine-Gordon systems
November 21 Dr. D. Petrosyan, IESL/FORTH
Quantum information processing with dipole-dipole interacting atoms
November 28 Dr. V. Charmandaris, Cornell University, USA
Dust and Mid-Infrared Properties of Interacting Galaxies and AGN
December 05 Prof. I. Procaccia, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Fractal Growth Patterns and Iterated Conformal Maps
December 12 Prof. V. Pellegrini, NEST-INFM, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Nonlinear quasiparticle tunneling between fractional quantum Hall edges
February 02 Dr. Gardelis Spiros, IESL/FORTH
Study of transport in semiconductor quantum dots: Building blocks of new architectures for computation.
February 27 Prof. T. Zouros, University of Crete
Can biology exist without Darwinism?
March 06 Prof. M. Lambrou, Mathematics Department, University of Crete
Archimedes work on mathematics.
March 13 Prof. J. Giapintzakis, Department of Materials Science & Technology, University of Crete & IESL/FORTH
Half-Metallic Ferromagnets: Their Role in Spintronics.
March 20 Dr. J .Michael Herrmann, Max Planck Institut fur Stroemungsforschung and Goettingen University, Germany
Self-organized criticality in neural networks.
March 27 Prof. Richard Haglund, Vanderbilt University, USA
The metal-semiconductor structural phase transition in nanocrystalline vanadium dioxide.
April 03 Prof. Dr. Manfred Lange, University of Muenster, Germany
Modeling of Ice Dynamics in Antarctica.
April 10 Prof. N. Papanicolaou, University of Crete
Nonlinear Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates.
April 17 Dr. Astero Provata, Institute of Physical Chemistry, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
Self-organization and information in DNA.
May 15 Prof. Klaas S. de Boer, Sternwarte, Univ. of Bonn, Germany
Horizontal Branch Stars and Galactic Kinematics.
May 22 Dr. A. Petkou, CERN Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland
Strings meet Quantum Chromodynamics through Holography.
June 12 Dr. Stelios Choulis, Department of Physics and Chemistry, The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
Optoelectronic applications of inorganic and organic semiconductors: InGaNAs/GaAs quantum wells and polymer/fullerene blends.
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