Colloquia 2009 - 2010

September 24 - Prof. Gustav Gerber, Univ. of Wuerzburg, Germany
Quantum Control of Femtochemistry in the gas phase, liquid phase and on surfaces

October 01 - Dr. Felix Mirabel, CEA/Saclay, France
Black Holes in the Universe and the Quest for Microquasars [PDF]

October 8 - Dr. P. Foka, GSI Helmholtz Centre, Germany
The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC [PDF] - [Canceled]

October 15 - Prof. Gordon Semenoff, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada
Relativistic Dynamics of Graphene [PDF]

October 22 - Prof. I. Kominis, Univ. of Crete
Towards the Quantum Foundations of the "Tree of Life" [PDF]

October 29 - Dr. A. Gavrielides, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Delay dynamics in semiconductor lasers coupled by orthogonal polarization modes [PDF]

November 05 - Dr. I. Martin, Los Alamos National Lab, USA
Next Generation Spintronics [PDF]

November 12 - Prof. S. Kennou, University of Patras
Spectroscopic Interface studies and thin film analysis of microelectronic materials [PDF]

November 19 - Prof. C. Callan, Princeton University, USA
Toward a theoretical physics of living matter: problems and prospects [PDF]

November 26- Dr. G. Gerbier, CEA/Saclay, France
Dark Matter in the Universe: Direct Detection [PDF]

December 03 - Dr. V. Pavlidou, Caltech, USA
Deciphering the Gamma-ray Sky: Star-forming Galaxies, Active Galaxies, and the Search for Dark Matter in the GeV Band[PDF]

December 10 - Dr. O. Malandraki, National Observatory of Athens
Analysis and Interpretation of Plasma, Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements by ESA/NASA Space Missions [PDF]

December 17 - Prof. M. Katsikini, University of Thessaloniki
Synchrotron Radiation: a novel research tool in materials science [PDF]

January 21 - Dr. K. Tassis, JPL/Caltech, USA
Illuminating the Universe: Understanding the Physics of Star and Galaxy Formation [PDF]

February 11 - No colloquium

February 18 - Dr. C. Ruegg, University College London, UK
Exploring Exotic Quantum Phases in Model Magnets [PDF]

February 25 - Mr. L. Buchman, FORTH
Towards Controlled Matter Wave Pulsed with Bose- Einstein Condensates [PDF]

March 4 - Prof. N. Flytzanis, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete
Hybrid Superconducting Junctions [PDF]

March 11 - Dr. N. Glezos, Institute of Microelectronics / NCSR "Demokritos"
Molecular electronic devices based on inorganic polyoxometalates [PDF]

March 18 - Dr. S. Kazantzidis, Ohio State University, USA
Astrophysical Disks in a LCDM Universe: A Key to Fundamental Physics and Galaxy Formation [PDF]

April 15 - Dr. F. Fidecaro, Univ. of Piza, Italy
Gravitational Wave Detectors [PDF]

April 22 - Prof. F. Dimitrakopoulos, Univ. of Thessaloniki
Interface science and engineering in compound semiconductor physics and technology: Towards high efficiency devices [PDF]

April 28 - Dr. P. Datskos, Oak Ridge National Lab, ΗΠΑ [Special Colloquium]
Nano/Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS/MEMS): Cantilevers [PDF]

April 29 - Prof. A. Redhead, Caltech, USA
The Quest for B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation [PDF]

May 6 - Dr. P. Foka, GSI Helmholtz Centre, Germany
First pp data and physics program of the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC [PDF]

May 13 - Dr. S. Zvyagin, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Germany
High-Field ESR in Low-Dimensional Spin Systems [PDF]

May 20 - No colloquium

May 27 - Prof. D. Christodoulou, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Problems of Hydrodynamics [PDF]

University of Crete - Department of Physics  - Voutes University Campus - GR-70013 Heraklion, Greece
phone: +30 2810 394300 - email: