Σεμινάρια 2011 - 2012
Fall Semester
September 29 - No seminar
October 6 - prof. Τ. Courvoisier, Univ. of Geneva, Switcherland
Cascades of shocks, a possible model for accretion in AGN [PDF]
October 13 - prof. S. Solomon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Autocatalytic Feedback Loops Amplify Microscopic Random Events to Systemic Complex Changes [PDF]
October 20 - No seminar
October 27 - No seminar
November 3 - prof. G. Kalosakas, Univ. Patras
Mechanical properties of graphene [PDF]
November 10 - No seminar
November 17 - Public holiday
November 24 - Dr. P. Ficher, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Magnetic Soft X-Ray Microscopy: A Path towards Imaging Magnetism down to Fundamental Length and Time Scales [PDF]
December 1 - prof. J. Trumper, MPE, Garching, Germany
Looking back at ROSAT [PDF]
December 8 - prof. G. Tsironis, Univ. Crete
Rogue waves and the statistics of extreme events in complex systems [PDF]
December 15 - No seminar
December 22 - prof. F. Vallianatos, ΤΕΙ Crete
From rock fracture to plate tectonics. Evidence of non extensive statistical mechanics in Earth physics? [PDF]
Spring Semester
February 16 - prof. N. Kilafis, Univ. Crete
Jets from black holes [PDF]
February 23 - prof. I. Remediakis, Univ. Crete
Equilibrium shape of nanoparticles from first principles [PDF]
March 1 - prof. A. Γραβάνης, Univ. Crete
Biopharmaceuticals and biophysics of neuronal repair [PDF]
March 8 - No seminar
March 15 - No seminar
March 22 - prof. I. Papadakis, Univ. Crete
Black holes in bright nuclei [PDF]
March 29 - D. Dounas-Frazer, Univ. of California Berkeley, USA
Atomic parity violation in ytterbium: Towards the nuclear anapole moment [PDF]
April 5 - prof. D. Christopoulos, Technical University of Crete
Statistical mechanics of brittle fracture: from paper webs to earthquakes [PDF]
April 26 - Dr. M. Rechtsman, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Optical graphene: diffraction-free edge states and strain-induced photonic Landau levels [PDF]
May 3 - Dr. J. Schukraft, CERN, Switcherland
“Little Bang at Big Collider": Results with heavy ions from the LHC [PDF]
May 10 - Dr. A. Mponanou, National Observatory of Athens
A Survey of the Most Massive Stars in the Local Universe [PDF]
May 17 - No seminar
May 24 - Dr. E. Gouliemakis, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany
Taming light waves: Triggering and clocking the motion of electrons [PDF]
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