Apostolopoulos Vasilis

Associate Professor
103 Physics Bldg.



Vasilis Apostolopoulos received his BA in Physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and his MSc and Ph.D. in Laser science and technologies from University of Southampton. His academic genealogy tree is here.


He was employed as a research associate (2003-2005) in Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and later on as an experienced Marie Curie researcher in University of Cambridge. In 2007 he was appointed lecturer at the University of Southampton, rising to the rank of Associate Professor in 2012 and to that of Professor in 2022. He was elected in 2023 as an associate professor at the University of Crete. He was a visiting research fellow in the University of Montpelier in 2016.


Vasilis has research activities and interests in novel photonic systems and lasers in the visible and Terahertz spectrum. His interests are on THz spectroscopy, integrated microresonators and semiconductor quantum well lasers. His research has applications to diverse areas such as Quantum Science, materials science and medical applications.

University of Crete - Department of Physics  - Voutes University Campus - GR-70013 Heraklion, Greece
phone: +30 2810 394300 - email: chair@physics.uoc.gr