Colloquia 2019 - 2020
Fall Semester
September, 26, 2019
"Cosmology with the world’s leading dark energy experiments"
Dr. Alkistis Pourtsidou, School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary Univ. of London (UK) -
October, 3, 2019
"Gamma‐ray bursts: breakthroughs and challenges"
Prof. Assaf Pe'er, Dept. of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland -
October, 10, 2019
"Quantum information technologies: quantum networks and near‐term processors"
Prof. Sophia Economou, Dept. of Physics, Virginia Tech (USA) -
October, 17, 2019
Test fundamental atomic physics using precision laser spectroscopy
Prof. Yi- Wei Liu, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan -
October, 24, 2019
Two milestones in the life of the Universe: the last scattering surface and the black body photosphere of the Universe
Prof. Rashid Sunyaev, Max Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Germany -
October, 31, 2019
"Black holes, fluids and holography in string theory"
Prof. Vasilis Niarchos, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete -
November, 7, 2019
Cosmic jets: their dynamics and the role of the magnetic field
Prof. Nektarios Vlahakis, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens (Greece) -
November, 14, 2019
Exploration missions and radiation
Dr. Marianthi Fragopoulou, HERADO, Athens -
November, 28, 2019
"Engineering Anyons"
Prof. Hrvoje Buljan, Department of Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia -
December, 5, 2019
"Quantum simulation with ultracold matter"
Prof. Georgios Siviloglou, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China -
December, 12, 2019
"Quantum compiling methods"
Prof. Aikaterini Mandilara, Nazarbayev University, Nur‐Sultan, Kazakhstan
Spring Semester
February, 6, 2020
"SQUID metamaterials: A testbed for nonlinear dynamics"
Dr. Johanne Hizanidis, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete -
February, 12, 2020
"ΤΗz spintronics : probing ultrafast spin and charge current dynamics"
Prof. Evangelos Papaioannou, TU of Kaiserslautern, Germany -
February, 13, 2020
"Localization in quasi-periodic and disordered Hamiltonians: Open and Closed Systems"
Dr. Manas Kulkarni, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India -
February, 20, 2020
"Magnetic skyrmions and the quest to use topological solitons for nanocomputing"
Prof. Christoforos Moutafis, University of Manchester, UK -
February, 26, 2020
SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM: "Solar Orbiter: the new space mission of Europe to the Sun"
Dr. Yannis Zouganelis, European Space Agency, Spain -
February, 27, 2020
"The dark matter puzzle" - [Video]
Prof. Françoise Combes, Obs. de Paris & College de France, France -
March, 5, 2020
"Aspects of quantum nanophotonics: from quantum-informed plasmonics to strong coupling"
Dr. Christos Tserkezis, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark -
March, 9, 2020
"Nonlinear couplings for quantum control of superconducting qubits photons and phonons"
Dr. Marios Kounalakis, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands -
March, 12, 2020
"The non-perturbative dynamics of gauge theories"
Dr. Elli Pomoni, DESY, Germany -
March, 19, 2020
"Cellular Noise and Metabolism, as a Matter of Fat"
Prof. Andreas Vasdekis, Dept of Physics, University of Idaho, USA -
March, 26, 2020
"Metamaterials, toroidal electrodynamics and space-time non-seperable pulses"
Dr. Nikitas Papasimakis, Univ. of Southampton, UK -
March, 30, 2020
Mr. Yannis Assael, DeepMind, UK -
April, 1, 2020
"Black holes as a hologram"
Prof. Ioannis Papadimitriou, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Korea -
April, 2, 2020
"A new probe of dark energy" - [Video]
Prof. Vasiliki Pavlidou, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete & IA-FORTH -
April, 30, 2020
Prof. Erik P. Verlinde, Dept. Physics, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands -
May, 7, 2020
"Strings at the horizon"
Prof. Ulf Daniellson, Uppsala Univ., Sweden -
May, 14, 2020
"Topology of dislocation ensembles and the understanding of work hardening in metals"
Prof. Stefanos Papanikolaou, West Virginia University, USA -
May, 21, 2020
“Transport, strong coupling and black holes’’
Prof. Aristomenis Donos, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, UK
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